Christian Adrian Merfels (PhD student)


Lab: 2224.02.132

Office: 2224.02.135

Phone: 39-30391



Research Topic:

Synthesis of oligosaccharide-peptide conjugate vaccines

Curriculum Vitae:

Since 03/2019 Ph.D. student in the group of Prof. Pol Besenius, JGU Mainz
08/2018 - 01/2019 Master thesis in the group of Prof. Pol Besenius, JGU Mainz
10/2017 - 04/2018 Research internship in the group of Prof. Palma, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
2016 - 2018 Master of Science in Biomedical Chemistry, JGU Mainz
2015 Bachelor thesis in the group of Prof. Opatz, JGU Mainz
2012 - 2016 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Chemistry, JGU Mainz
2010 - 2012 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering, TU Darmstadt



[1] Synthesis of Lobeglitazone intermediates seeking for continuous drug production in flow capillary microreactor.
R.R. de Oliveira Silva, P.V. Cuesta Cavlo, C.A. Merfels, M.V. Rodrigues Lima, H.S. Santana, A. Converti, M.S. Alves Palma,
J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 2022in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2022.09.014.